Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Running Man

This is the running man i made jump over a ball in the Pivot app.We had to use many frames to move the man to make it look like a man actually running.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Girl Roll Over
This is the link to my girl roll over effect that i used in flash CS4. You import a picture to the stage and add text if you want, next you convert your image to a symbol-> type: Button. Then, double click the picture, Selection Tool à Right Click OVER à Insert Keyframe. Finally, find a new picture and insert it into the stage, move and resize the picture.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Veggie Face

To make this veggie face, I used the quick selection tool, the magnestic lasso and the magic wand tool to select the veggies to put on the face. I also used copy and paste to copy and then paste the veggies onto the face. For the eyebrows and the ears, i flipped and rotated the images with the options under the image tab.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Polar Bear Tiger

I got a picture of a tiger and a picture of a polar bear, cut out the polar bear head and put it on top of the tiger head with the help of the clone stamp tool and burn tool to make it blend.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Motion Blur Effect

Instead of using a car for the motion blur effect, I used a man running. To make this effect, you must unlock the photo that you are about to use the effect on. Then, use the quick selection tool to selsct the object of which you want the motion effect on. Next, hit CTRL 'J' to copy the selected area, and then apply a motion blur by going to Filter-Blur-Motion Blur. Set the distance of pixels to a high amount and press apply. Next, add a levels layer, drag the levels layer below the copy layer and join the the copy to the levels layer by using CTRL 'G'. Apply a gradient tool to the levels layer to the front of the object you are apllying the effect to. Then, select both the copy and the levels layer and duplicate it until you like your picture!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tilt Shift Effect

The tilt shift effect i did on a busy street of Tokyo.
The cracked face and peel face effect I did on Obama.We used many effects on this picture by adding pictures of textures and lowering the opacity to still see the face but with the texture. We did a lot of multiplying to make sure the rust blended with the face. Many layers were used, such as levels layers / masking layers.