Thursday, November 28, 2013

Rocket Project.

This is the rocket man project we made that has 3 scenes. The rocket is animated with motion tweens. And most of everything that moves is a motion tween. But the Alien ship that turns into a cloud is a shape tween.

South Park

This is the south park animation of Olivia and I. We first started out by making our own south park characters on the south park me website. Then we went into flash and imported the characters into the stage. To make them walk, we converted the characters to a symbol and moved the characters side to side on a series of key frames to make them look like they were walking. Next I applied motion tweens to everything that moves in the animation on several different layers.

Coldplay Quiz

This is the Coldplay quiz a made on flash. To make this, we made all of the clickable objects button symbols. This took us a lot of time because we had to apply lots of actions in the action layers.

Flower to Flower

This is my animation of the word flower to a picture of a flower. To make this, we applied a shape tween by typing the word on the first frame, going to the last frame and deleting the word, and then added the picture of the flower. Flash does most of the work of animating the word to the picture.

Flying Bug

This is the flying bug animation I made in Flash. To make this, we first made wings and went into there own layer to make them look like they are flying. To make the wings look like they were flying, we moved the wings each time on a series of keyframes. To make the bug move, we applied a motion tween and rotated the bug a bit so it was flying in the right direction.

Flying Eye

This is my animation of a Halloween flying eye. We applied a motion tween to the eye to make it look like it moved closer, and also we adjusted the scaling of the eye to make it look like it was coming closer.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Stop Light

This is the stop light i animated on flash CS4. To make this, we used motion tweens that involved a lot of timing so that the lights would come on at the right time.


This is my animation of a truck going up and down hills. To make the tires spin, the tire must be a symbol and in its own symbol section you can apply a rotating effect to make the tires rotate once every 24fps. To make the ground move with the tires, we applied a motion tween that repeats. To make the truck go up and down the hills, I put a keyframe on every frame and moved the truck so it wold line up with the ground as it moved.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This is the Mr.Potato head we made. each shape is a movie clip and is move-able because it is put as a drag and drop object.

Hand Writing

This is my quote done with a hand writing affect. To make this, we added the text and added a key frame every time we erased a little bit of a letter, backwards.

Realistic Ball Bounce

This is my realistic ball bounce. To make the ball bounce realistically, we added a key frame to every frame and re-positioned the ball. When we re-positioned the ball, we made it look like it had the squash and stretch effect on it.

Monday, November 11, 2013

This is the hardest game ever level I made on Flash CS4. We applied a classic tween to the balls that are moving back and forth. And made the Moving square a button so you can move it with the arrow keys.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blog Question #3

Straight ahead animation is when someone draws each scene right after another without any gaps in between. Pose to Pose is when someone draws the main scenes first and then adds the other scenes in between. Pivot animator uses straight ahead animation because you have to draw each frame right after each one with no gaps in between.  Flash uses pose to pose because you start at the beginning and add a key frame at the end and add a tween in the middle to fill in everything in between. I like to use pose to pose because its easier to do, and it's a lot quicker.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ball Bounce: 3 Balls...

Using Flash CS4, i animated 3 balls bouncing off of the walls. To make the balls animate, I had to use motion tweens for each of the balls.
This is the walking man I made on pivot, with the squash and stretch, and an arc.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog question #2

Ethics are rules that we make that tell us what we think is good and bad. Aesthetics are things that show beauty, taste and are pleasing in appearance.It is ethically not acceptable to photo-shop a photo when you are going to the police or court with photo evidence.It is ethically acceptable to use photo-shop when you put pictures in books or magazines, as long as the photo looks realistic.

Pop Art

This is a pop art version of Lana Del Rey. To make this we had to use a masking layer every time we wanted a different colour. To change the colour after the masking layer you select Enhance- Adjust Colour- Hue and Saturation. Make sure the the colorize box is check off so that you can change the colour and that the saturation is up to its highest level.

Rainbow eye

On this picture, we did a rainbow eye effect. To get this effect i unlocked the photo, then i made a new layer. On the new layer, i coloured on the eye, changed the blending mode to multipy and lowered the opacity. I also did another new layer, coloured the eyelids, and changed the blending mode to multipy.